Edenlife Communities – July update

July 8, 2024

Bill Marshall, CEO

We have reached a major milestone at our Edenlife Australind community with around 100 homes built, installed and occupied.  We have around 40 homes on order from our major builder, Summit Homes, along with our onsite builder, Resonate Homes.


Civil construction of stage 3 is now complete with 61 lots, most of which are either sold or reserved.  With such strong demand, we have opened our final stage 4 (48 lots) for site holds only at this time.  We are part way through our engineering designs for civils and earthworks and once these are completed, we expect to commence construction August/September 2024 with homes anticipated to be arriving onsite from around April 2025 (subject to weather conditions, approvals and contractor availability).


The home build sector continues to be very challenging with continuing cost increases, mostly due to a severe labour shortage.  Attracting new teams in a limited labour pool is the number one challenge for builders and unfortunately, this translates to longer time frames than we’d all like in the completion of homes.


Construction of our newest community at Byford commenced in late June and already interest is very strong.  Edenlife Byford will essentially replicate our very successful Edenlife Australind, with a stunning clubhouse and range of community facilities.  Early buyers at Byford will also enjoy a 50% reduction in their site rent until the clubhouse and facilities are built and ready for use.


We are also very close to providing details on the timelines for the development of our third community in Margaret River.  Keep an eye out for further announcements and updates.


Even if you think you may not be ready for your re-sizing journey, Linda (Australind) and Norm (Byford) are always available for a chat to provide the information you need to plan your journey.

Linda, Edenlife Australind sales manager

Homesites in stage 4 are quickly being reserved.  You can secure your choice of lot for only a $500 deposit.  Be extra quick if you’re considering one of our large 3 bedroom homes, as we only have 15 sites left in stage 4 that can fit these homes.


The biggest compliment we get is when a resident refers our community to their own family and friends.  You wouldn’t recommend something if it wasn’t good, right?


So we are very chuffed to say that we have numerous residents who have followed their family members or friends into the community after receiving the recommendation and who are now enjoying all the good stuff that Edenlife Australind has to offer.   A community within a community 😊.


Don’t you be the one to miss out, call me today on 0499 444 279.

Samantha, Edenlife Australind community manager

Every year, our devoted residents organise a Biggest Morning Tea, this year welcoming 100 guests to the Edenlife Australind clubhouse on the 20th May.  All funds raised are donated to the Cancer Council to aide in vital cancer research.  The special bond guests share, many of whom or their loved ones, have been touched by cancer, is such an amazing spectacle to witness.  Edenlife Australind is full of generous people who love being there for others, helping wherever possible.

Edenlife Byford logo

Norm, Edenlife Byford sales manager

The initial launch of our new Byford development took place on Thursday 29th May at the lovely Byford & Districts Country Club.  The demand for an over 50’s community in the south-east hills was evident with more than 40 people attending the session.  Most of those who have already secured lots in stage 1 came along and enquiries since have kept me very busy.


With bulldozers now onsite, the future reality has crystallised and the timelines for moving in have become clearer.


Many potential buyers are taking the opportunity to visit Edenlife Australind to see the “live version” of the Byford community.  I’ll be stationed onsite at Australind every 3rd Thursday, commencing 18th July.  Bookings are essential, so please email me njones@edenlife.com.au


The pioneer residents are forecast to move onsite in late May/early June 2025 so this allows nearly 12 months to get your own home in order and sold to coincide with your new life in the Edenlife Byford community.


Call me on 0403 626 556 to book an appointment and find out all the important details of this exciting new development.

Edenlife Margaret River logo

A big update for Edenlife Margaret River with news that the civils program is expected to start late  February 2025, with an expected timeline of approximately 20 weeks.  New homes will start to arrive onsite from around August/September 2025 (subject to weather conditions, approvals and contractor availability).  Construction of the community facilities will start around this time and take approx. 12 months to complete. 


While there may not have been any building activity, the site has been far from inactive with rehabilitation works being done over the past two years.  


The waterway alongside John Archibald Drive is an important refuge and wildlife corridor that also provides important filtration of storm water from the road networks.  The area has been subject to rehabilitation works in accordance with an environmental management plan.  Weed control has been undertaken to eradicate serious environmental weeds and encourage natural regeneration of the tea-tree and paperbarks.


Twenty seven students from Rapid’s Landing Primary School recently assisted with planting 600 locally native Shore rush (Juncus kraussii).  The school utilises this area as a living classroom and welcomes any opportunity to be involved and we think they did an amazing job. 


Since commencing the work, the diversity of wildlife in the waterway has increased dramatically with Purple Swamphen, Chestnut-breasted Teal, Maned Duck and occasionally crakes and rails being spotted in the area.  The frog symphony adds to the natural beauty and sounds of the waterway.  

Edenlife Australind

Edenlife Byford

Linda Sunderland

0499 444 279


Norm Jones

0403 626 556
